What is Pedodontics?
Pedodontics means “children’s teeth”. Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry) is the science that deals with the healthy preservation of milk and permanent teeth of children aged 0-12, and the treatment of teeth and surrounding tissues. Pedodontic applications cover a long period of time, including the edentulous period, the period when the deciduous teeth begin to erupt, the mixed dentition period when the permanent teeth begin to erupt, and the period when the permanent teeth are completed.

Why is pedodontics important?
Fear of the dentist, or dentophobia, usually occurs as a result of bad experiences in childhood. Since pediatric dentists are trained in behavioral orientation, they establish a form of communication appropriate for the child’s age. In this way, dentophobia is prevented. Successful communication with children allows easy dental treatments and preventive procedures in the long run.

Why are milk teeth important?
Milk teeth begin to erupt between 6-12 months after birth. Until the age of 3, a total of 20 primary teeth complete their eruption. Milk teeth show structural and anatomical differences compared to permanent teeth, and these differences make them more resistant to caries and abrasion. The most important task of milk teeth is to chew, that is, to provide nutrition to the child. Children with dental caries suffer from pain and do not get enough nutrition. In addition, milk teeth have functions such as aesthetics, speech, space-holding. Milk teeth protect the area they cover for the permanent tooth that will replace them and guide it while the permanent tooth is erupting. Usually, parents look at milk teeth with the thought that “these teeth will fall out anyway”. However, problems with milk teeth often reflect on permanent teeth. Many problems with milk teeth, such as early tooth loss, cavities, missing teeth, adversely affect permanent teeth. Early loss of milk teeth causes orthodontic problems in children due to loss of space, incorrect positioning of the tongue, and as a result, speech disorder and wrong swallowing habits are acquired.

How should dental care be in children?
From the moment the milk teeth erupt, tooth surfaces should be cleaned with a clean cheesecloth, gauze, finger brush or special tooth wipes after feeding. When the baby is 2 years old, he starts to hold the toothbrush. The parent should show the baby while brushing their own teeth and brush their teeth slowly by guiding the baby. Brushing should be continued in the morning and evening using pastes and brushes specially produced for children.

When should the first dental examination be done?
World Health Organization; recommends that the first dental examination be done after the first tooth erupts (usually between 6 months and 1 year).

What does pedodontics cover?
*Oral, dental care and nutrition recommendations
*Protective applications from tooth decay (Fissure sealant, Fluorine applications)
* Restorative treatments (Fillings) in milk and young permanent teeth
*Endodontic treatments in milk and young permanent teeth (Canal treatments, Amputations)
*Tooth extraction
*For Stopping Bad Mouth Habits (Finger Sucking, Nail Biting, Lip Biting, etc.)
*Treatment of Dental Traumas
*Child Prostheses
*Orthodontic treatments
*Local or general anesthesia as needed

What is Fissure Sealant?
Permanent teeth often have valley-like grooves on the chewing surfaces. These grooves are called “fissures”. These areas are difficult to clean and areas where food accumulation is high. For this reason, it is very suitable for the development of caries. Fissure sealant is the process of filling these grooves with a fluid filling. Thus, the development of caries in these areas is prevented. It can be applied to milk molars, permanent premolars and molars. Since it is a painless and painless procedure, it can be easily tolerated by children. Fissure sealant applications should be checked by a physician every 6 months.

Fluorine (Fluoride) Applications
Fluorine is an element that strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. Fluoride is an essential mineral for dental health, and its deficiency causes an increase in tooth decay. The progression of caries in the initial stage can be prevented by the application of fluoride by the dentist. Professional superficial fluoride application can only be applied by dentists. It is applied in the form of varnish every 4-6 months. Its safety and protection have been scientifically proven. Since it is not taken systemically and applied locally, it does not cause a negative effect on the health of children.

What is amputation in pedodontics?
It is a treatment method applied to keep the teeth in the mouth in a healthy way in milk teeth or permanent teeth that have not developed roots. It is also known as semi-canal treatment among the people. It is applied in cases where the caries is very advanced. In amputation treatment, the rotten part of the tooth is removed, but the veins and nerves are not treated. The gap formed after the treatment is restored with suitable filling material.

What is a Placeholder?
Milk teeth are responsible for maintaining the position of the next tooth on the jaw until the permanent tooth comes from underneath. Milk teeth can be lost early due to various reasons. In such cases, an appliance called a placeholder is made in order to prevent the loss of the eruption space of the permanent tooth or the formation of crowding by tipping the posterior teeth into the cavity of the missing tooth. The appliance is continued to be used until the permanent tooth comes out in the jaw.