What is Cosmetic Bonding?
Cosmetic bonding is a cosmetic dentistry practice to improve the appearance of teeth and enhance your overall smile. Bonding is a cosmetic dentistry practice that can be performed in a single day. With bonding, the elements that disrupt the harmony in smiling can be removed on the same day.

Bonding Application
Bonding is performed using laser bonding to reshape your teeth. While doing this application, if the teeth are healthy, the slightest abrasion is not done, and the necessary deformation is removed by applying bonding materials on the tooth. In the mouth of the individual, as an artist, the process of reshaping is performed like a sculptor. with Dr. Delicate treatment begins without roughening the surface of the teeth that will take the adhesion. He or she will then apply an aesthetic bonding treatment to the teeth to help the adhesion apply to the tooth surface.

Who is Bonding Applied to?
Bonding provides an effective solution to a variety of dental problems and can dramatically improve your smile in a short period of time.

In which cases we apply cosmetic bonding treatment;

Small or moderate crooked teeth
disfigured teeth
Stained teeth with enamel defect
Closing of spaces called diastema closer
Shortened teeth, genetically or due to wear
cracks and stains on the tooth surface

If you have any of the above and you want to see a significant improvement in your teeth and a more beautiful smile, the solution you are looking for is Bonding treatment at Medxdent Implantology and Aesthetic Dental Clinic.

So, how to take care of teeth
Taking care of your teeth helps prolong the bonding life. Self-care tips include:

Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily
avoiding hard food and sugar
not biting your nails
Avoiding coffee, tea and tobacco for the first two days after the procedure to prevent blemishes
scheduling regular dental cleanings every six months