What is Laminate Veneer?
What is Laminate Veneer?. How is Laminate Veneer treatment, known as Lamina Tooth Leaf Porcelain Tooth Veneer, applied? Laminate Veneer means leaf tooth in Latin.

Lamina tooth means Leaf Tooth in Latin. Lamina Dental treatment is the process of sticking a porcelain lamina tooth layer on the existing tooth.

Lamina tooth; Each individual has an aesthetic view that he creates in his own world and determines his qualities. In this direction, individuals apply this aesthetic understanding in their lives in terms of individual and environmental conditions. However, although aesthetic expectations are ranked according to different priorities among individuals, everyone has one common expectation: an aesthetic smile. A beautiful and aesthetic smile is not only a facial expression of a person; it is also an action that contains many details about his personality.

For this reason, individuals who are disturbed by the appearance of the mouth and teeth during smiling often resort to white aesthetic and pink aesthetic treatments for smile aesthetics and smile design. Because everyone wants to be in an aesthetic image and to have an aesthetic smile while smiling.

Lamina Dental Treatment Stages
Lamina tooth applied for aesthetic purposes; They are thin-form porcelain surface coatings that can have a thickness of 0.3 mm, which are adhered to the front surface of the teeth as a result of some processes.

Lamina teeth or leaf porcelain teeth allow us to create teeth in a more beautiful form and color, which are adhered to the front surface of the tooth without damaging the tooth, such as wearing a lens, and without any cutting operations. In the process of smile aesthetics and smile design, the forms determined by the patient and the physician, the oral conditions of the patients and their existing teeth are created interactively.

First of all, we examine the mouth conditions and existing teeth of our patients in our clinic; We determine the length of the teeth and the areas where porcelain lamina veneer tooth or leaf porcelain tooth treatment is needed. Then, in line with this information, we move on to the 3D design phase in the digital environment.

At this stage, we design the most aesthetic smile to be specific to our patient, with the expectations of our patient and the most clinically correct approach. If there is a condition that requires an extra treatment in our patient’s teeth, we first remove it, and then we stick the porcelain laminate veneer or leaf porcelain teeth determined according to the measurements on the patient’s own teeth.

Although there is no need for any intervention on the surface of the teeth theoretically, some operations such as surface abrasion can be performed during practical application. After porcelain lamina veneer or porcelain leaf treatment, these teeth imitate the tooth’s own enamel very well in terms of color and transparency; With the bonding process, enamel and lamina veneer teeth are chemically fused and integrated.

After Lamina Dental Treatment
Porcelain lamina veneer teeth, which become natural teeth when lamina teeth or leaf teeth fuse with your own enamel, are long-lasting thanks to regular care and clinical controls, just like your own teeth. We recommend to come for clinical control at least once a year. In this way, the teeth can stay in the mouth for much longer years by preserving their aesthetic appearance in a healthier way; It can maintain its functions and aesthetic appearances completely for at least 8-10 years.

Porcelain lamina veneer tooth veneer is a costly treatment, as the preparation of lamina tooth or leaf tooth requires a high level of refined equipment and skilled labor and the materials are imported products. The cost of pink aesthetic applications and whitening applications that can accompany the treatment, as well as the number of teeth to be treated, determines the price.