Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery procedures and surgical procedures related to jaw tissues are the names given to operations. Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery; Operations such as wisdom tooth extraction, sinus lifting, jawbone augmentations, jaw joint operations, apical resection operations, zygomatic implant operations are performed.

The treatment of all tissues in the mouth, the jawbone, the relationship of the teeth on the jawbone with the jaw, and the treatment of textural disorders that occur in this area are included in the application area of ​​maxillofacial surgery.

The majority of the society is prejudiced against wisdom tooth extraction and this operation is presented as a frightening procedure. Wisdom tooth extraction is delayed especially due to these prejudices and causes further problems.

But it should be known that the frightening stories about wisdom tooth extraction are extremely unfounded; Wisdom tooth operations are extremely painless procedures.

20 Teeth
In our Nişantaşı clinic, we prove to our patients how unfounded these fears are with painless and comfortable wisdom teeth operations. So, what kind of problems does delayed wisdom tooth extraction cause?

Wisdom teeth that cannot fully release in the mouth cause many tooth and gum problems.

Inflammation of the gums can occur if the wisdom teeth are trapped under the gums, which is a particularly common condition. This can cause bad breath, as well as lead to the decay of neighboring teeth.

If gingivitis progresses, the sensitivity in the area increases and the inflammation may spread to the roots of the teeth and even to the jawbone. In addition, wisdom teeth that cannot find enough space on the jawbone can cause the other teeth to get stuck in the position over time, causing the teeth to slip and become crooked.

For this reason, keeping the wisdom teeth in the mouth threatens the general oral and dental health. Therefore, wisdom tooth extraction is an essential operation.

How Is Wisdom Teeth Operation Performed?
Before wisdom tooth extraction, the structure of the tooth and surrounding tissues is evaluated with radiological measurements. Since wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical operation, as in other surgical operations performed in our clinic, the area is anesthetized with anesthesia before this procedure. Then, the tooth to be extracted without damaging the surrounding tissues is divided into small pieces and removed from the area; Then the residues in the area where the tooth was taken are cleaned and closed with a small suture.

How Long Does Wisdom Teeth Operation Take?
First of all, we should state that clinically, since the area is anesthetized before wisdom tooth extraction, no pain is felt during the procedure. The operation time is between 10 minutes and 30 minutes. Although there is swelling that will last for a few days in the area where the tooth is extracted after the procedure, wisdom tooth extraction is a painless operation in general terms.