Gum Recession (Periodontology)
Gum recession will not only affect your chewing function; With gingival recession, your smile will also be shadowed due to the loss of aesthetic appearance in the gingiva. Because in an unhealthy gum, gingival recession, discoloration, staining due to bleeding and plaque formation are likely.

Being deprived of enjoying this whole joyful day due to gum disease will actually cause a poor quality of your day in terms of aesthetics and health, from your irreparable time.

Gum Recession Problem
Gum bleeding is not actually a disease; Gum bleeding is the most obvious sign of some dental and mouth problems. “What are these gingival recession problems?” in response to the question; microbial dental plaque formation, tartar formation, the reaction of the metals of porcelain tooth coatings on the gingiva, overflow fillings.

As long as oral and dental diseases that cause gingival recession are not treated, gingival bleeding will continue to increase; As a result, gum disease will occur.

For this reason, we say that healthy and aesthetic gums are essential for healthy and aesthetic teeth.

Gingival and Gingival Recession Applications
Periodontal diseases
Gum Recession Problem
Gum Recession Treatments
Surgical Treatments
Gingival Recession Restorative Treatments
The Importance of Maintenance Treatments
Gum Health
Protective and Preventive Practices
Gingivitis Problem
Gum Recession Bleeding
In our clinic, we generally carry out the treatment processes of our patients with gum problems in 4 phases:

Initial Treatment
Surgical Treatments
Restorative Treatments
Maintenance Treatment

Gum Recession Treatments
Gum Recession Problem
We identify the main condition that causes gingival problems in our patients who apply to our clinic due to gingival recession; then we apply root surface cleaning, interface cleaning, mechanical bleaching and we offer our patients suggestions for the care they should do to ensure oral hygiene. If necessary, we provide a prescription and reschedule a week later.

Surgical Treatments
We aim to complete the improvements we have achieved after the initial treatment in our clinic as a result of 2 to 3 sessions and move on to other necessary stages. By determining the general oral condition and gingival phenotype of our patients, we decide on other treatment stages and apply some surgical operations accordingly. These operations can be listed as follows;

Regenerative treatments and graft applications
Gingival recessions and pink esthetics
Crown lengthening
Gingival pocket elimination operations
dental implants
Laser applications

Gingival Recession Restorative Treatments
At this stage, it is ensured that the factors that predispose to gum disease are eliminated by renewing the old fillings and coatings where microbial plaque accumulation is observed, compensating for missing teeth and providing functional balance.

The Importance of Maintenance Treatments
It is of vital importance that clinical examinations and controls are not interrupted in order to preserve the healing achieved by surgical and restorative treatments. In this respect, thanks to our follow-up system, which we maintain with the same precision as the treatments we apply to our patients in our clinic, we determine the necessary treatment and control processes for the maintenance of your periodontal health with our patients; We offer you the motivation you need with a professional approach.

Gum Health
Oral health has a serious impact on all activities of individuals involved in life; because digestion begins in the mouth for the basic human need for nutrition. For this reason, it is of great importance to have a strong mouth structure as well as to be fed with quality.

One of the key concepts that is essential for a healthy body and a healthy aesthetic smile design is gum health. In cases where gingival health is lost, taking advantage of the operations performed within the scope of pink aesthetics will make the cycle between physical health and aesthetic results work in a healthy way.

Protective and Preventive Practices
There are countless bacteria and live microorganisms in the mouth. These bacteria and microorganisms form colonies on the plaques called tartar on the tooth surface and threaten the health of both teeth and gums.

Over time, there is loss of gums; This creates the risk of losing teeth as well. For this reason, the formation of these plaques should be tried to be prevented by protective and preventive applications; If its formation could not be prevented, it should definitely be eliminated by techniques such as mechanical bleaching.

Otherwise, gingivitis inflammation problem, which can present itself as simple gingival bleeding, is likely to occur. It is possible to have an inflammation problem called “gingivitis” in the gums.

Gingivitis Problem
Gingivitis problem can be eliminated with regular dental care, annual scaling and non-surgical applications.

It does not cause any bone or tooth loss. However, if it progresses, the unhealthy condition of the gums deepens; Over time, there may be recessions in the gums, loss of tissues and jawbone. This will cause tooth loss.

Gum Recession Bleeding
We observe many clinical symptoms as a result of gum disease. These; problems such as redness of the gums, bleeding, bad breath, pain during chewing and gum recession. Differences in the general health status of our patients may also cause them to be prone to gingival diseases. Hormonal balances of adolescents and women in particular; smoking; Some drugs used for diabetes and systemic diseases may increase the susceptibility to the formation of gum diseases.

Gingival Recession Treatment Solutions
Gum Recession Treatment Methods
Gum diseases are not local problems limited to the mouth in terms of their area of ​​influence; Its areas of influence are quite wide because it directly or indirectly affects the immune system of individuals. As a result, individuals may become more prone to diseases;

Individuals with gum disease are more at risk of experiencing digestive and circulatory system disorders than healthy individuals. It carries a risk of heart disease and it has been observed that blood sugar control is more difficult in these patients. Therefore, dental care and controls are of vital importance. Oral care should not be interrupted and applications that will risk oral health should be avoided. Regular and correct brushing should be made a habit in order to prevent many health problems and smoking should not be used in terms of both dental health and general health.

You should definitely go to the dentist for tartar cleaning once a year and apply preventive treatment methods. Protecting health before disease occurs and applying preventive treatments are vital approaches to protect dental health. Thanks to tartar cleaning, teeth appear whiter; At the same time, the protection of the gums against inflammation is strengthened.

The habit of brushing teeth is increasing in Turkey anyway. However, there is a great benefit in terms of gum health and dental aesthetics in applying to a dentist due to nutritional habits, differences in salivary structure and insufficient brushing efficiency. For this reason, cleaning should be done once a year in order to increase brushing motivation, to whiten the yellows that have formed, and to increase brushing motivation.